How SL snapshots reveal my true feelings.

On my PC the desktop wallpaper changes every half hour. The images are my SL snapshots. Last night this image came up, and when I saw it, it got me thinking. It is a snapshot of Stefan with the Bine alt I made for him and then my old Bine avatar. I look at it now, and I think it shows what was wrong with us. Why did I make an alt for him? My first answer would be because I could, but then also because I did not want to invest myself in him – too much at stake. Even here when I got him to come over and chat with me in pixels, I have distanced myself from us. I seem not to care. It is no wonder he often didn’t want to come and be with me in pixels…

The snapshots are really interesting. We jump on pose balls and we let the virtual world decide how our pixels present themselves. But how I snapshot the pixels often say a lot about how I feel, and often I do not realize at the moment but when I look at it again much later, I see it. Another example of that is one I took of Michaell and me on our anniversary:

Bine & Michaell

This was in March and my head was somewhere else. So much so it shows up on the snapshot I took of us on our anniversary date. He is there for me, he is so into me, but I look away and my eyes wander like my thoughts did.

I think it is rather amazing, but not really a wonder that it is like this. Of course the snapshots reflect how I feel – I am the one taking them, and I am the one presenting them to the world, so how could it be any different.

This is how I feel about Michaell today:

Bine and Michaell

Life is good :-))

Biné’s YouTube

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