Tag: Fantasy Faire

23. April 2022 / Fantasy Faire
23. April 2022 / Fantasy Faire
2. April 2022 / Fantasy Faire

My favourite event in Secondlife is getting closer – another 19 days to wait. Again this year I have joined the blogger group of the Faire. I hope to get a lot of time in world to report and take pictures.

12. May 2021 / Fantasy Faire

I wasn’t sure I had time to do the Quest. RL has been very busy and I just finished exploring all the regions. But I love doing the Quest, so I’ll see if I can finish it by tonight where the Faire closes and we won’t see it again for another year.

11. May 2021 / Fantasy Faire

Sponsored by Scarlet Fey
Designed by Amethyst Ytelde and Scarlet Fey

The age of nature has long passed but Elven sensibility remains in the marrow and veins of the futuristic realm of Mithlumen. Wood and vine are mere memories amongst the alloy and silicon curves that adorn the technological evolutions of Elvenkind. Magic, however, never gives up its lifeblood, only emerges from the chrysalis of time to operate through transmission lines and neural systems that bring the city to life.

10. May 2021 / Fantasy Faire

Sponsored by Jinx
Designed by Nix Marabena

The ancient but mysteriously preserved home of powerful magic users who vanished long ago, the Amethyst Rift is a city, or perhaps a temple complex, carved into the walls of a deep fissure in the rock at the convergence of several major ley lines. The magic there is so strong that it still flows in pulsing violet waves visible even to those without second sight. Explorers have wondered for centuries over its strange glass-like walkways and suspended monoliths, and many attempts have been made over the years to discover the fate of its builders, but no trace of them remains besides their empty constructions in the Rift. One of the more credible theories concerns the only structure in the Rift that is not whole – what appears to have been a massive, free-standing stone gate sits partially collapsed in a central square.

8. May 2021 / Fantasy Faire

Sponsored by Titans
Designed by Kilik Lekvoda

Saints and warriors, airborne or earthclad, living flame or flowing water, are all welcomed here on their journey into dream. Explore the mysteries of The Wandering Woods, where the Spinner of the Threads of Life gathers all into the eternal spiral of being — ever growing, ever reborn, from brilliance to shadow and back again.

4. May 2021 / Fantasy Faire

Sponsored by Abranimations
Designed by Kayle Matzerath

Featherfall is the birthplace of the fabled Fabric of Time. From its soft edges, yarn spreads throughout all realities. Visit Featherfall´s cosily woven Temples, it’s bouncy folded Country Side and meet up with a Tight-Knit community of String Theorist. Featherfall guarantees a soft landing. Please take your shoes off.